In this release of Mantle, our primary focus has been on enhancing the usability of Mantle datasets.

We are excited to announce a host of new features designed to improve your experience. Below are detailed descriptions of the key updates and improvements we have made.

New Features

SDK Updates

NOTE: We have officially changed the Mantle SDK to use the word dataset instead of entity; however, using entity is still supported for backward compatibility.

The Mantle SDK has two major changes around the functionality of datasets:

  • Querying in the SDK for data_type, name, unique_id, AND properties!

  • Convert a query result to a dataframe in a single step.

Querying Datasets

The Mantle SDK can now filter datasets by property value:

fooIsBar = mantle.dataset.build_query()

Or by datatype:

fooIsBar = mantle.dataset.build_query()

This allows for finding any dataset you might need for an analysis (No need to remember Unique IDs! 🥳)

Converting to a DataFrame

Once you have a list of datasets from your query, you can convert it to a Pandas DataFrame that includes your dataset properties as columns:

fooIsBarDf = fooIsBar.to_dataframe()

This will automatically convert the list of datasets to a pandas dataframe for easy analysis.

For more information, see: SDK Dataset documentation

All Datasets View

Mantle has introduced a BRAND NEW way to visualize your datasets through the UI, an all datasets view. You can filter datasets by property, data type, and name from one navigation.

Primitives within Nextflow Parameters

You can now directly access a Mantle parameter of type string, integer, double, bool, or file from directly within your pipeline using Nextflow params.

By configuring your input parameters config with:

"input_integer": {
    "type": "INT"

You can access the integer value from within your pipeline:


For more information, reach out to the Mantle team.

Datatype Creation

You can now create new datatypes from the Mantle UI:

For instructions on how to see: Create a datatype documentation

Self-Service Notebook Environments

You can now configure an analysis environment self-service within the Mantle UI. You can configure them to contain pip, conda, or open-source git repos.

For more detailed instructions, see: Create an analysis environment documentation

History View

We have updated the history view on the single dataset view:

  • Now contains back links to analyses, pipelines, and entities
  • [Enterprise Only] Shows any data ingest and egress.