In this release of Mantle, our primary focus has been gearing up the notebook functionality to support bigger and better analyses.

Below are detailed descriptions of the key updates and improvements we have made.

New Features

Creating an Analysis Notebook from preselected Datasets

From the All Datasets page, you can now open a notebook and pre-register datasets as inputs by selecting one or more datasets.

For more information, see: Run an analysis documentation.

Views for Notebook Environments

You can now view the environment in which an analysis was created and see the requirements for a singular environment within the UI.

Creating a new version of a Notebook Environment

For self-service notebook environments, you can now create a new version to make updates to the dependencies or compute configuration of the environment.

For more information, see: Analysis Environment documentation.

Bigger and better S3 file selector form

We have increased the size of the S3 file selector form, making it easier to see your file paths. Additionally, we have added full prefix search.

This means that when you type in the top search bar, it can search through all your nested folders.

Bug Fixes

All Dataset page filters

There were a few bugs in the release of the All Datsets page where filters were not properly propogating. These are now resolved.