Interact with Mantle Pipeline runs
Each time you run a Mantle Pipeline, a pipeline run object is generated. A pipeline run contains links to its input entities and parameters and its output entities.
Getting a pipeline run by unique ID
This returns a Python object representing the run.
Getting single entity outputs of a pipeline run
All outputs of a pipeline run expressed as key-value pairs. You can get a single entity output of a pipeline run using its key.
This returns a Python object representing the data entity.
Getting inputs of a pipeline run
You may need to access the inputs of a pipeline run to incorporate them into your downstream analysis.
All inputs of a pipeline run expressed as key-value pairs.
Getting a single entity input
If a pipeline takes a single entity input for a key, you can get a Python object representing the entity used in a specific run using the key:
This returns a Python object representing the data entity.
For example, the Mantle nf-core rnaseq pipeline takes a single entity for the reference
Getting a list of entity inputs
If a pipeline can take multiple entity inputs for a key, you can get a list of the entities used in a specific run using the key:
This returns a Python list of entity objects.
For example, the Mantle nf-core rnaseq pipeline can take multiple rnaseq_fastq
entities for the fastqs