
Mantle’s integration with Benchling brings data from Benchling into Mantle and keeps it up to date.
From Mantle, you can select which Benchling entity types to sync. Once activated, all entities of that type will appear in Mantle’s datasets page. Any updates in Benchling are automatically reflected in Mantle, ensuring that your computational analyses always use the most current experimental data.
Benchling entity data can be managed in Mantle just like Mantle Datasets, with options to view, filter, sort, and search—either with no-code tools or via Mantle’s Python SDK. You can also create links between Mantle Datasets and Benchling entities, documenting the relationships between dry-lab data and wet-lab experiments.
Here are some examples of how this integration keeps research connected:
Link datasets, such as DNA sequencing results, directly to related Benchling entities.
Build custom, no-code bioinformatics pipelines using your Benchling entities as an input.
Easily analyze Benchling data alongside bioinformatics results in Jupyter Notebooks, all while maintaining complete data lineage.
This feature is available to professional and enterprise users. Contact us to learn more.